CIVARA performs security, tactics, physical protection, high-tech surveillance, and VIP and related security and protection services, as well as tactical training of all kinds around the globe. From teaching basic disaster mitigation courses in Latin America to training Special Operations Police in Turkey, whether teaching the strategy of escape and evasion, sniper training, hand-to-hand combat (H2HC) or other concepts and principles, CIVARA has been working on courses to help the general civilian population, military, law enforcement, and security for over a decade. CIVARA now owns and operates an all hazards, Survival Training School (STS) through its CIVARA Academy located in Colorado. All information related to the Academy and survival courses will be posted on this site.

One of many views from STS

By now, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and recent riots, the average person should realize how quickly things can go south. It is now paramount that you as an individual learn to prepare yourself and your family for extended survival situations and for the potential of deadly encounters that arise from a variety of sources. We offer the most up-to-date and complete training for survival of any individual or company.

As an example, did you know that the survival instinct within each of us is the strongest instinct we have? Thus, truly, we are all survivors. However, to survive in a crisis situation requires the proper execution of specific skills sets that are best learned in a class and then practiced over and over, not a one-time view of a video on the Internet! Why? Because at best, humans are poorly equipped to stand up to Mother Nature! Through decades of time, we have become weak and dependent on modern conveniences knowing that if we turn a tap or flip a switch water will flow or light will engulf the room. We are no longer hunter gatherers and, but few live off the land. We go to the store and shop for our food and think we have it bad when our cable goes down temporarily due to inclement weather. Additionally, most people are in poor physical shape, which will make survival even more difficult. So, you see, it is not just about equipment, but even more about your physical and mental state and keeping a can-do, positive attitude – DO NOT PANIC! Why? Because [one] who hesitates, meditates, in a horizontal position (Ed Parker).

The society we live in today seems to think survival is going to the local Holiday Inn and opening the window about an inch or, that one will find themselves in the wilderness with a heavy, super pack containing all the rations, water, and other necessities of life, negating the need for hunting, trapping, or eating edible plants because someone will find you within a couple of days. This philosophy is dangerous and will potentially get you killed. If you learn the skills needed as outlined here then, you will be able to live off the land and whether lost or not, your life is not in danger or threatened. You need only a good knife and a blanket to sustain your life; everything else is a luxury! And, you will be able to negotiate strife and conflict-ridden cities safely.

What items should you focus on first? The most important ones, in order of importance include: Shelter, Fire, Water, and Food (SFWF). Overall, you need to look at the kind of equipment and clothes you need, the tools you need to survive long term or short term, as well as the geography and climate that you will likely face, whether in the woods or, in an urban area that can be rife with dangers ranging from civil chaos to gang infestation.

If you develop a basic strategy with these concepts, you will be more able to cope with a serious survival situation, as well as significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents. There are some things you really should not do, especially if venturing into the wild or into a protest enable city where you could be attacked or worse. Considering survival, do not wear short pants and do not wear flip flops. Instead, opt for lightweight, light-colored long pants, since it is summer or you would not be wearing short pants at all and, wear a sturdy shoe that covers and protects your entire foot. The safety reasons for both are obvious. If your foot is injured due to poor judgement and a riot crazed gang is bearing down on you, how will you react? Because a survival situation could occur when least expected, always wearing the right kind of footwear and related items will help you endure dire conditions. Most have heard of the ‘go-bag’ or ‘get-out-of Dodge’ bag and while it may be considered on the extreme view for some, being ill prepared is no longer a luxury you can afford.

Therefore, let us help you learn all you need to know for surviving almost any situation, whether it be surviving in the wild, the city, or civil unrest and perhaps civil war. These happen around the world more than you know. The current civil unrest climate in the U.S. makes it imperative that you prepare for the future because what we are seeing is only a type of things to come.

CIVARA’s Survival Training School (STS) survival training and shooting courses are taught at 7,000 feet. And, there are so many things you can learn by focused training throughout our 6 phases and more than 40 plus modules that are mixed and matched to student abilities and experience levels. Whether it be a beginning survival course, medical trauma course, or extreme-range shooting course, if we cannot prepare you for the most dire survival situations you can face then, likely no one can.

We do not teach just anyone, and our 3-day courses are designed to assess potential students for our more advanced 7-day courses. If you wish to learn more, please contact us. You may also look at a few of our courses in our ‘shop’ section. Remember, these courses are not survival types like you see on ‘Naked and Afraid’ or ‘Survivor’ because there is no one there to back you up in a final scenario thus, we teach you for all situations. Why? Because your life and those of your friends and family may depend on it!

Following are some of the courses we teach. The courses are comprised of six phases and more than 40 plus separate modules covering shelter, fire, water, food, equipment, packs, map and compass, living off the land, first aid, entry rifle, combat pistol, sharpshooting to 2,000 yards, hand-to-hand combat (H2HC), street attacks, tracking, traps, spotting, guerilla warfare, ark storms, archery, surveillance, home protection, food storage, responding to civil chaos, pandemics, civil war, natural hazards, and much more. The student will discover a variety of skill sets in each course.


Please note that all 3- and 7-day pistol (excepting 3-Day Fun Shooting Course) and rifle courses require school approval to attend.

Partial List of Courses

3-Day Fun Shooting Course – Pistol Only

3-Day Fun Shooting Course – Pistol Only

3-Day All-Hazards Survival Introduction

3-Day Advanced Pistol and Combat Tactics

3-Day Black Rifle

3-Day Short/Close Range Rifle

3-Day H2HC

7-Day H2HC I, II, & III

7-Day Survival Mixed Course I (Survival & Weapons)

7-Day Survival Mixed Course II (Survival, First Aid, Weapons)

7-Day Survival Intermediate Course

7-Day Survival Advanced Course

7-Day Rifle Courses I, II, III, and IV (Advanced shooting, various ranges and more than 12 professional sniper courses).

Description of Rifle Distances for Shooting

Often, people want to know what is considered short, long, or extreme, etc. ranges for rifle shooting. Our chief instructor lists various ranges as follows from military, civilian, law enforcement, and supervisory training experiences (note that every distance is rounded to an even yard).

Rifle Shooting Distance DescriptionDistance in Yards
Short/Close Range0 to 300
Mid Range300 to 600
Long Range600 to 1,000
Extreme Range1,000 to 1,500
Extreme Long Range1,500 plus
Close Range, Mid, Long Range, Extreme Range, and Extreme Long Range (ELR) Distances
for Rifle Shooting


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